Despite my lack of posts since the New Year, (I cant believe its already February!) I have been busy working on the hexapod! I have now enlisted some help form a fiend / colleague Sandy White.
I have set Sandy to the task of coding the Operator Interface which will run on a GrayHill 3D65 platform running WinCE. While Sandy is wrangling with the code, I have been getting on with designing the graphics and screen layout for the OI. As well as more leg tests and improvements to the HexEngine.
I have also decided it would be really good to aim to have the Mantis take its first steps by the end of March. This should be achievable even if by remote control, as I don't think the OI will be ready by then. I will need to get some additional help to finish off the hydraulics install, hopefully I will get Josh back for a weekend here and there along with anyone else I can convince to muck in!