Ahead of schedule our three phase hydraulic power pack arrived today :) This power pack will be used for the test leg, and no doubt will come in very usfull during hydraulic commisioning. It could also be used to run the hexapod without the on-board engine, just for body moves, but wouldn't have the grunt for any serious walking. The pack is a 7.5Kw three phase unit, delivering 150bar at 29lpm. My next job is to hook up a DOL starter for the motor, along with an E-stop and interlock unit to control the on-board dump valve. This will allow for off load starting of the motor, along with the additional safety.
Next week we will get a single 32amp three phase socket installed in our unit, the pump only requires a 16A socket, but we may as well get a 32 installed just in case.
P.S. I know it looks like Josh is always doing all the work.. but some one has to pick up the camera, and its usually me, honest!